
Don't Be Fooled! The Laughable Truth About Dodgy Photos in Ads. 别上当!广告中可笑的虚假照片真相

Have you ever been tricked by a service provider or mamasan using photos that seem too good to be true? Well, you’re not alone. It’s like expecting a Michelin star meal and ending up with a soggy takeaway. It’s 2025, folks! Using fake photos and expecting no one to notice is about as clever as a screen door on a submarine.

Now, we all appreciate a bit of mystery, but when you're greeted by someone who looks more like your Uncle Barry in a wig rather than the glamorous model in the ad, you've got to wonder if they think technology hasn't advanced since the floppy disk was in fashion. It's not just a little white lie; it's a full-blown comedy show.

But fear not, dear reader, because technology is a beautiful thing. With the power of reverse image search, we can now dodge these bullets like we're in "The Matrix." So, for anyone who's tired of being duped by those sneaky photos, here are five top ways to pull back the curtain and see the truth for yourself.

1. Google Lens – Your New Best Mate

First off, we have the trusty Google Lens. Just whip out your smartphone, pop open the Google app, tap on that camera icon, and bam! Point it at the photo in question or upload it directly. Google Lens is like the Sherlock Holmes of images; it'll dig through the depths of the internet to see if that picture is as genuine as a politician's promise or just another fib on the web.

Step 1: Open the Google app on your smartphone. Step 2: Tap the camera icon in the search bar. Step 3: Point your camera at the image you want to search or tap the photo picker to choose an image from your gallery. Step 4: Google Lens will analyze the image and provide results, including similar images or related content.

2. TinEye – The Digital Detective

Next up is TinEye, which is about as subtle as a bull in a china shop when it comes to finding image matches. Head to their website, upload your photo, and watch as TinEye unravels the mystery of where else this image has been flirting around on the web. It’s like having a personal investigator on your browser.

Step 1: Go to TinEye.com. Step 2: Click the upload button (?) to choose an image from your computer, or paste the URL of an image in the search bar. Step 3: Click the search button to begin the search. Step 4: Review the results to see where the image appears online and other related details.

3. Bing Visual Search – Not Just a Pretty Face

Don't underestimate Bing; it's got tricks up its sleeve too. Go to Bing Images, click the camera icon, and upload or drag your image. Bing’s like that nosy neighbor who knows everything about everyone. If that image has been around, Bing will spill the beans.

Step 1: Visit Bing Images. Step 2: Click the camera icon (?) in the search bar. Step 3: You can either upload an image, drag an image into the search box, or paste an image URL. Step 4: Press enter or click the search icon to view the results.

4. Yandex Images – The Russian Reveal

Then there’s Yandex Images. If you thought the Russians were just good at vodka and epic novels, think again. They're also fantastic at spotting a phony. Just upload your photo on Yandex, and let it do its thing. You might be surprised where some of these ‘original’ images actually come from.

Step 1: Navigate to Yandex Images. Step 2: Click the camera icon in the search bar. Step 3: Upload an image from your device or paste the URL of an image. Step 4: Yandex will display results showing where the image is from and similar images.

5. Pinterest Visual Search – Not Just for DIY Projects

Last but not least, Pinterest isn't just for crafting ideas and baking recipes. You can use their visual search tool by clicking the magnifying glass on any image. It'll show you similar shots, proving that your ‘unique’ image might be as common as the cold.

Step 1: Log into your Pinterest account and navigate to any pin or image. Step 2: Hover over the image and click the magnifying glass icon in the bottom right corner. Step 3: Pinterest will show a selection of visually similar images. Step 4: Explore the results to find related images or pins.

In today’s world, honesty is the best policy, especially when technology can call out your bluffs. Service providers using dodgy photos, listen up: consumers are savvy, and they’re not here for your shenanigans. So, keep it real, or get ready for your close-up on the wall of internet shame. With these tools at your disposal, it's never been easier to spot a fake. So go forth, use them wisely, and never be fooled again!

Author: Master Yoda
FOR: Langtrees.com

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  1. Google Lens – 你的新伙伴

首先,我们有可靠的Google Lens。只需拿出你的智能手机,打开Google应用,点击那个相机图标,然后,瞄准问题照片或直接上传。Google Lens就像图片界的福尔摩斯;它会深入互联网的深处,看看那张图片是不是像政客的承诺一样真实,或只是网络上的另一个谎言。

步骤1:在你的智能手机上打开Google应用。步骤2:点击搜索栏中的相机图标。步骤3:将你的相机对准你想搜索的图片,或点击相册选择一张图片。步骤4:Google Lens将分析图像并提供结果,包括类似的图片或相关内容。

  1. TinEye – 数字侦探



  1. Bing Visual Search – 不只是漂亮的脸蛋

不要低估Bing;它也有自己的小技巧。去Bing Images,点击相机图标,上传或拖动你的图片。Bing就像那个什么都知道的八卦邻居。如果那张图片在别处出现过,Bing会揭露一切。

步骤1:访问Bing Images。步骤2:点击搜索栏中的相机图标(?)。步骤3:你可以上传一张图片,将一张图片拖到搜索框中,或粘贴一个图片URL。步骤4:按回车或点击搜索图标查看结果。

  1. Yandex Images – 俄罗斯揭秘

然后是Yandex Images。如果你以为俄罗斯人只擅长伏特加和史诗般的小说,那你就大错特错了。他们也非常擅长识别假冒。只需在Yandex上上传你的照片,让它展示其能力。你可能会惊讶于这些“原创”图片实际上来自哪里。

步骤1:导航至Yandex Images。步骤2:点击搜索栏中的相机图标。步骤3:从你的设备上传一张图片或粘贴一个图片的URL。步骤4:Yandex将显示图片来源和类似图片的结果。

  1. Pinterest Visual Search – 不仅仅用于DIY项目




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Comments (21)

oysterreef05 TS commented
“Interesting read. I wonder if there are websites that reverse or block the ability of these websites. Maybe by altering the image that can only be seen by a computer?”
💖0 👍 👎0 28/2/2025 5:39am
1 Comment
Contah Boudoir Photography commented
“good write up and good idea to do a little research, as a photographer I try my best to minimize the editing as not to make the image too perfect or manufactured but eye catching enough to stand out from the other profiles. I try to make sure the model is as real looking as possible while making them look glamours as possible. I see a lot of profiles with either toilet selfies or way over done editing/filters, even a pretty popular Instagram model image is being used. Pays to be as genuine as possible with your images even if your persona is different. ”
💖0 👍 👎0 27/2/2025 3:22pm
Aurora Love LT commented
“Such a great read, Master Yoda! It's wild that some still think they can get away with fake photos in 2025. With all these tools at our fingertips, there’s no excuse for being duped anymore. Honesty really is the best policy; unless you want to end up on the internet’s wall of shame! Haha ”
💖0 👍 👎0 15/2/2025 4:48pm
Aaron Langtrees commented
“It’s wild how some people still try to pass off blatantly fake or AI-generated pics like no one will notice. With all the tech available now, a quick reverse image search can save a lot of disappointment. Love seeing blogs like this that educate and call out the nonsense—no one has time for dodgy ads in 2025”
💖1 👍 👎0 15/2/2025 4:37pm
Paddy13 commented
“I genuinely learnt a lot from this article. although some of the techniques I knew in principle, its refreshing to see all the "tools for the job" compiled into one easy Blog. Thanks!”
💖2 👍 👎0 13/2/2025 9:04pm
detrimental TS commented
“I don't understand why easily identifiable fake images are used. Kinda completely turns you away. Not saying everyone needs to post photos, but fake ones seem less trustworthy.”
💖1 👍 👎0 10/2/2025 1:36pm
johnnielickTS commented
“Great tips! Using Google lens was one I never thought about, always just used tineye”
💖1 👍 👎0 10/2/2025 12:21pm
1 Comment
familyguy TS commented
“i dont know how people think that using the same photo or number on multiple adverts fools people this day in age, usually its a if it feels too good to be true it is!, nothing good comes cheap and nothing cheap is good!”
💖1 👍 👎0 9/2/2025 6:29pm
1 Comment
Oldmanemu TS commented
“Thanks Yoda. Great info for the not so tech minded. Still amazes me that advertisers use photos so far different from the ladies available. Yes, not all are super models, but neither are we the clients!! Playing a straight game would benefit everyone. ”
💖1 👍 👎0 9/2/2025 5:05pm
Crick commented
“Using Yandex always feels like forbidden knowledge. So many people are unaware of it, but it is extremely powerful. I'm not sure how it fares today, but when its reverse image search was first launched it had killer facial recognition.”
💖2 👍 👎0 9/2/2025 4:53pm
Thick Meat commented
“Very helpful”
💖1 👍 👎0 9/2/2025 2:49am
Jodie commented
“Thank God, here at Langtrees Mary-Anne insists on real photos. The ladies have to upgrade their photos on a regular basis also. Which means you get exactly what you asked for. Good on Langtrees/Mary-Anne.”
💖1 👍 👎0 8/2/2025 10:20pm
Rachael Langtrees commented
“This had me cracking up! It’s wild that in 2025 some people still think they can get away with using fake photos like we’re living in the dial-up era. These image search tools are game-changers. No more falling for catfish level deception! Fortunately at Langtrees Canberra, our clients don't need to worry about this ? - Thanks for the hilarious yet super practical guide.”
💖2 👍 👎0 8/2/2025 11:36am
TSthirstywa commented
“This will be very helpful. Thank you.”
💖1 👍 👎1 7/2/2025 9:50am
Replies 1
Winter23 commented
“Such a helpful read, i urge everyone to read this as there are many scammers out there that give genuine working girls a bad name. If something seems dodge, it probably is. ”
💖1 👍 👎0 6/2/2025 1:52pm
Kate commented
“Absolutely love this I use goggle lens atm but will definitely have a squizz at the other recommendations here.... The problem I have had over the years with the girls is not so much using fake photo's it's them getting the photographer to over edit an image I have seen waists dramatically altered and made so much smaller it was a joke. One girl in particular was made to either get a new photoshoot or unedit the images as clients were coming in to see her and were not happy with the girl that had been presented to him. Needless to say her photo's did not remain live on our website for very long at all.... ”
💖2 👍 👎0 6/2/2025 9:52am
Mia Rossi commented
“Thank you for this insightful blog post which is very helpful for identifying if girls are using photos that they have stolen from other sources. A modern issue we are now facing is that women are using AI generated pictures which will not show up through a Google reverse search as they are not stolen images, they are generated issues. If you want to check is an image of a girl is AI generated, you can use this link https://sightengine.com/. Luckily at Langtrees, all our photos are genuine and clients know what they see is what they get. ”
💖2 👍 👎0 5/2/2025 9:02pm
Replies 1
1 Comment
itadmin commented
“Excellent writeup and very helpful for verifying any pictures you have been, or are, suspicious about. Good work!”
💖1 👍 👎0 5/2/2025 6:41pm
Mrs. Langtrees commented
“Thank You Master Yoda I will be using this Blog often, so easy to understand, I am a bit dumb on things like reverse searching, but the way you have explained Ill be a expert in no time Thanks.”
💖2 👍 👎0 5/2/2025 5:30pm