
The Lost Art of 5-Play - Because Good Lovers Go the Extra Mile

We know from our prior Langtrees Blog, How Long Should Sex Last?, that studies show the average foreplay session clocks in at around ten minutes, with the main event lasting anywhere from another ten to a generous fifteen minutes. Now, considering that a premier establishment like Langtrees VIP in Burswood, Perth, sets the scene at $500 per hour, that means your grand performance—both the warm-up and the final act—eats up about half your allocated time.

But folks, I’m here to propose a ground-breaking, game-changing, and quite frankly, relationship-saving concept: 5-Play. As a self-trained expert on all things women (and a lifelong enthusiast of their finer qualities), I say it’s time we elevate the experience and give the brain what it really craves—because let’s be honest, that’s the real sexual organ. Yeah, baby! Show us your brain!

Let’s talk science for a second. According to VeryWell Health, during arousal, the male brain releases acetylcholine, setting off a delightful domino effect that gets nitric oxide pumping into the arteries of the penis, turning “we’ll see” into “yes, please!” Meanwhile, Business Insider informs us that both male and female brains release dopamine (hello, pleasure!), oxytocin (the bonding hormone that also makes babies latch onto their mothers), and prolactin (that satisfied ahhh feeling post-climax).

Then, just when the party’s winding down, serotonin swoops in like a bouncer at last call, promoting relaxation and—bam!—suddenly, he’s in a deep post-coital snooze, leaving his partner staring at the ceiling, contemplating all her life choices.

Enter 5-Play. A wise woman once enlightened me on its necessity when I collapsed in a sweaty, panting heap beside her, ready for dreamland. She was not having it. She wanted—no, demanded—5-Play: the afterglow ritual of tender touches, soft whispers about her beauty, and poetic reflections on the wonder of what just transpired (yes, including the wet spot on the sheets). It turns out, this extra time of connection, appreciation, and lingering intimacy is the delicious icing on the sexual cake—the thing that keeps her satisfied, keeps you in good standing, and dare I say, keeps the world a saner place.

Going back to the typical one-hour experience and with all going well, there’s a solid ten to twenty minutes left on the clock—prime real estate for 5-Play. And trust me, those minutes matter. Case in point: If a certain orange-tinted grumpy Trumpy had received his fair share of 5-Play from Melania, he might’ve spent less time worrying about the Gulf of Mexico and more time appreciating the gulf forming in his own marital bed. The angry frustrated man devoid of 5-Play, and probably more, is consequentially causing all sorts of problems for the world. Ladies for the sake of world peace I strongly recommend you insist on the use of 5-Play.


Author: Magnum
FOR: Langtrees.com

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13/2/2025 4:29pm
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